
Photo FX – How are we doing?

Photo FX – How are we doing?

On July 8th 2021 the partnership Photo FX had an OnLine Transnational project meeting. ‘Photo FX aims to provide young participants with the tools to give voice to their expressiveness, vision and personal interpretation of the world, with the purpose of social inclusion and awareness. The project has a special focus on young people with a physical and / or mental disability. So, how are we doing so far? We are doing good, but we can do better !

Early Vision Photo FX: ‘So Far So Good

Photo FX aims to provide young participants with the tools to give voice to their expressiveness, vision and personal interpretation of the world, with the purpose of social inclusion and awareness. The project has a special focus on young people with a physical and / or mental disability. Really looking forward progressing with the project. Expectations are currently met. Key Success Factors can be that there is a lot of room to experiment and create through the workshops we are going to do with the young people. Hope to get some valuable insights as regards the support tools which can be used for PhotoFX Instagram.

The key Success Factors of Photo FX can be that there is a lot of room to develop, experiment and create through the workshops we are going to do with the young people after the Summer of 2021: ‘We did get some valuable insights in our PhotoFX project:

QAP Photo FX: So Far So Good: Follow us on our Instagram account @PhotoFX_EU
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