
Archive for Social Media Savvy 2

Social Media Savvy (Part 2) Mulitplier Event Shines a Light on the ‘Brand I’

Social Media Savvy (Part 2) Mulitplier Event Shines a Light on the ‘Brand I’

The Social Media Savvy (Part 2) Multiplier evenrt was held in Leiden, Holland on June 28th 2022

The multiplier event Social Media Savvy Part 2 was a big success! In essence the audience was delighted by all the SMS2 products, services and activities produced. Certainly because SMS2 is made by young people with young people for young people. The partnership Social Media Savvy – Part 2 is co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union and on June 28th 2022 the final big event was organised. The multiplier event took place in Leiden, Netherlands and was hosted by the dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work. A day earlier the Dutch SMS2 Days took place at the Hogeschool Leiden.

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Social Media Savvy 2 Meeting Holland

Social Media Savvy 2 Meeting Holland

Social Media Savvy 2 Meeting Holland

The partnership Social Media Savvy Part 2 organised their transnational project meeting last Thursday May 5th- Friday May 6th 2022 at Area071. The venue of DFW2W is located in Leiderdorp, Zuid-Holland. The SMS2 partner organisations discussed the final phases of the SMS 2project. Werkcenter Scotland (United Kingdom); Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare to Work (The Netherlands) and ARES (Italy) finetuned the progress made on the Social Media Savvy Passport (e-assessment Tool, with Brand ‘I’ e-learn modules how to be social media savvy brand yourself profesionally on your journey to work. The partnership also addressed the final development of the SMS Platform, the communication and dissemination plan.

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Social Media Savvy Learning Teaching and Training

Social Media Savvy Learning Teaching and Training

Social Media Savvy Learning Mobilities
The partnership Social Media Savvy 2 takes young people on a interactive and challenging journey of social media creativity; enhancing their digital skills, providing an evironment: SMS Platform, to learn. Finally we will also provide a Passport to Success, using personal branding (brand ‘I’) and acquiring soft skills to make it easier to progress into work. SMS2 will be targetting on young people still in school (potentially to graduate within 2 years) and/or or recent graduates (aged 14-25). The idea is that all those young people have a lack of work experience, but have a lot of smartphone experience. So We will teach train them to own their personal brand: The brand ‘I’. A professional digital identity ‘I’ is the first step to gain any kind of formal work experience which will lead to a substantial improvement of career development. The Learning, Teaching and Training activity in Campobasso, Italy took place in the period January 2nd- 7th 2022 is a very important stage in the project, getting feedback from the target groups. The young people had the opportunity to mirror our work in progress, add value and manage the social media savvy expectations.

Social Media Savvy Learning Teaching and Training (SMS LTT)

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Italian Transational Project Meeting SMS2

Italian Transational Project Meeting SMS2

Italian Transational Project Meeting SMS2
The partnership Social Media Savvy Part 2 has scheduled the transnational project meeting on 5-6th December in campobasso, Italy. The SMS2 partner organisations are: Werkcenter Scotland (United Kingdom); Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare to Work (The Netherlands) and ARES (Italy).

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Italian SMS 2 Newsletter

Italian SMS 2 Newsletter

Italian SMS 2 Newsletter
Two days ago we published the Dutch SMS Newsletter. Today we publish the Italian SMS Newsletter. The Social Media Savvy 2 (SMS2) Partnership keeps you up to date in English, Dutch and Italian. This newsletter covers all progress made till date: In questa newsletter pubblicheremo alcuni filmati dal Regno Unito e il report sui social media dell’Olanda.

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Dutch Social Media Savvy Newsletter

Dutch Social Media Savvy Newsletter

Dutch Social Media Savvy Newsletter
Today we publish the Dutch SMS Newsletter, the Social Media Savvy 2 (SMS2) Partnership keeps you up to date. The SMS2 partner organisations are: Werkcenter Scotland (United Kingdom); Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare to Work (The Netherlands) and ARES (Italy). Click here to read the English Newsletter. The Italian will be published soon as well on the platform and the social media savvy website.

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SMS2 Newsletter Nr. 1

SMS2 Newsletter Nr. 1

In this SMS Newsletter, the Social Media Savvy 2 (SMS2) Partnership keeps you up to date. The SMS2 partner organisations are: Werkcenter Scotland (United Kingdom); Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare to Work (The Netherlands) and ARES (Italy). Below you can find the English Newsletter. The Dutch and Italian will be published soon as well.

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Dutch SMS 2 Days

Dutch SMS 2 Days

On June 29th 2021 : The Dutch Foundation W2W had their SMS 2 Days on a location in Leiden at PLNT with Leidse Hogeschool students. During the SMS2 Daus students presented their views about the possible strenghts and weaknesses of the Social Media Savvy 2 Project. On top of that students gave some feedback and advice as well.

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