The EAER Digital Blended Mobility Event took place the 23rd to 26th November 2020. The Blended Mobility Event will be hosted online where there will be a series of two-hour digital workshops held throughout the week. Participants can sign up for the whole week or to individual workshops. Check out the schedule of events below! For more information and to register your interest, please contact Colin Pomeroy at
Day 1 – Monday 23rd November 2020 – 10am-12pm (UK time)
Essential skills training – facilitated by Scottish Drugs Forum
Good empathic listening is fundamental in the helping relationship. Called accurate empathy by Carl Rogers (1965), it is the cornerstone for person-centred practice. It is essential for good communication. In this introductory session we practise refining empathic listening skills and address other core communication skills that are important in a supporting relationship.
The aim of the session is to practise core communication skills with a focus on expressing accurate empathy through reflective listening.
By the end of session you will have:
- Observed a demonstration of the interpersonal style and core communication skills used in a supporting relationship.
- Practised the interpersonal style and primary core communication skills.
This workshop is for people who are interested in working in the field of social care.
Day 2 – Tuesday the 24th November 2020 – 10am-12pm (UK time)
European tools for employability: examples of a successful inclusion – Hosted by Agência Piaget para o Desenvolvimento
What are the common factors that set a successful tool for employment? Based on some European examples, this session will bring to discussion the main obstacles and facilitating factors playing a role on the inclusion of people in recovery. The cases reflected in the session will help us to identify what basic determinants we should consider for successful employment inclusion.
This workshop is for professionals.
Day 3 – Wednesday the 25th November 2020 – 10am-12pm (UK time) Community of practice and learning platform – Comunità “La Tenda” Cooperativa Sociale
This session will look at the EAER e-learning platform. We will look at the opportunities offered by the platform, explain what a Digital Professional identity is, highlight Role Models and explore EAER resources. The session will also have participants discuss their online presence in relation to their professional goals.
This workshop is for trainers and anyone interested in using the e-learning platform and learning about a Digital Professional Identity.
Day 4 – Thursday the 26th November 2020 – 10am-12pm (UK time)
SocialMe – The right branding of people in recovery searching for jobs on social media – the Dutch Foundation Innovation in Welfare 2 Work
The ‘Social Me’ Workshop will be presented by Pieter van Schie. The ‘Social Me’ vision is to make it easier for people in recovery to move on to work by using social media to their advantage.
‘Social media platforms are progressing further and further, while social media education and social media training programs for people in recovery are seriously behind. EAER would like to help people in recovery by offering a platform and tools that helps people in recovery in the use of social media in an interactive, challenging and creative way’ , Pieter van Schie.
This session will look at the aim of a Digital Professional Identity and talk about first impressions, the best profile picture, strategies, content calendar; and methods and concepts around SocialMe.
This workshop is for trainers and anyone interested in learning about SocialMe and a Digital Professional Identity. There have also been used very good sources in this workshop from Peter Hurley:
Squinch–It’s all about the Squinch!
The other very valuable video is
The Digital Blended Mobility EAER Event has already taken place. If you want to know more about the #SocialMe workshops, please contact Pieter van Schie MA