SMS Newsletter Nr. 3

The Third Transnational Partner Meeting (TPM) of the Social Media Savvy (SMS) Consortium was held in South Holland. The partnership met end of August ( 29th -30th) in the city of Papendrecht. The Social Media Savvy topics on the table focused in particular on providing tailor-made services and SMS strategies to be pursued towards our young people and youth workers on
SMS in Holland
At the end of the partnership meeting in Holland we decided that we would publish a new SMS E-bulletin (Nr.3). It is very important that in the last period of the SMS project the young people learn good social media ’tips and tricks’ to be able to present themselves professionally on their own social media (e.g. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram): 9 Social media trends in 2019 that will give your company a boost! That’s why we focus in our newsletter on these topics.
SMS Newsletter
For a wee read of our last newsletter, see below:

Via the Social Media Savvy Website and the associated SMS accounts, the partners will intensively share posts, blogs and articles, whereby the younger job seeker will be supported in her search. The partners will do this in English, but also in Dutch and Spanish. It has been decided that the SMS website will only disseminate and function in English for the time being.
The social media landscape in 2019 in “5 highlights”:
• Instagram is growing strong, while Facebook is decreasing in number of users. Facebook as a group remains stable
• Facebook still has more than 10 million users in the Netherlands. Instagram is about half of that
• People under Facebook in particular fall under 40. Trust plays an important role in this
• A third of the dropouts actually cancel their account at Facebook or Twitter
• Confidence in social media was already limited, but has fallen in all age groups in the past year (source:
Important SMS data
– The SMS Days in Spain, Scotland and the
Netherlands will all take place in October. It has been agreed that the
organizations will communicate the data loud and clear about their social media
channels and websites.
– The SMS Learning Mobilities will take
place in Seville during the period 20-27 November 2019
– The next Transnational Project meeting of
Social Media Savvy will take place in early 2020 (January) in Scotland.