
Posts Tagged Early School Leavers

EDDI – Explanation Dutch Drop Out Stats

EDDI – Explanation Dutch Drop Out Stats

Dropping out, also known as Early School Leaving (ESL) is a serious issue. It affects many young people across the globe. It is closely connected to unemployment, social exclusion, poverty and poor health. In the 2020/2021 school year, there were 24,385 Dutch early school leavers. The “Early Digital Diagnosis and Intervention (EDDI)” project aims to help improve student retention rates by helping teachers, families and students better understand the causes and consequences of ‘Early School Leaving’. An explanantion, from a Dutch perspective:

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EDDI Platform

EDDI Platform

EDDI Platform
Reducing early school leaving to less than 10% across EU Member States by 2020 is one of
the EU’s priorities in the field of education. The Commission is working with Member States
to implement comprehensive strategies to prevent early school leaving and to engage early
school leavers in education and training. EDDI Project consortium members came together
to develop early diagnosis methods for Early School Leaving and to support these methods
with digital ICT opportunities. For this purpose, after the feasibility study carried out in the
project partner countries, the factors causing early school leaving were determined and
effective strategies were determined

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