
Posts Tagged Newsletter

Newsletter 3 – DisFinLit

Newsletter number 3 DisFinLit is out! The Disfinlit project aim is to respond to the needs of high-quality online tools and platforms by developing a tool that will help disabled youth to develop sustainable financial know-how, make smart and sustainable financial decisions, understand money management, deal with a constantly changing economy, navigate inevitable challenges and take charge of their own financial future.

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ProCKD Newsletter Nr. 6

ProCKD Newsletter Nr. 6

Newsletter Nr. 6
ProCKD newsletter number 6 covers the evaluational meeting of the Pro-CKD project in Madrid, which was held in in January 2022 and the Athens meeting in November 2022. The project ProCKD is funded by the European Union and draws attention to the socio-economic problems faced by individuals suffering from kidney diseases. The focus of this project includes, how kidney patients can continue their jobs after starting dialysis, how to encourage them to continue education and training, and how to help unemployed patients find meaningful jobs.

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EDDI Newsletter Nr.2

EDDI Newsletter Nr.2

EDDI Newsletter Nr. 2Welcome to the second issue of the EDDI (Early Digital Diagnosis and Intervention) project newsletter. The EDDI project aims to help teachers, families and students to better understand the causes and consequences of early school leaving. In turn, this will help find possible solutions to the problem of Early School Leaving (ESL). The Project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme – KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education. The project is set to run for 30 months (November 2020 – April 2023). Project No: 2020-1-UK01-KA201-079073).

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ProCKD Newsletter Number 4

ProCKD Newsletter Number 4
ProCKD newsletter number 4 covers the 2nd transnational meeting of the Pro-CKD project, which was held in Istanbul in January 2022. Participants came together again on the campus of Istanbul Gelişim University.

The project ProCKD, which was funded by the European Commission from December 2020, draws attention to the socio-economic problems faced by individuals suffering from kidney diseases. The focus of this project include, how kidney patients can continue their jobs after starting dialysis, how to encourage them to continue education and training, and how to help unemployed patients find meaningful jobs.

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Newsletter ProCKD

Newsletter ProCKD

The project ProCKD, which was funded by the European Commission from December 2020, draws attention to the socio-economic problems faced by individuals suffering from kidney diseases. The focus of this project include, how kidney patients can continue their jobs after starting dialysis, how to encou-rage them to continue education and training, and how to help unemployed patients find meaningful jobs. This is the first Newsletter of the project, which looks back on the webinar “work is treatment and treatment is work”. This was held online on February 16 with the participation of all partners, organized by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Pieter Van Schie was the speaker of the webinar and emphasized the current problems related to employment.

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