
Pilot ECVET for Digital Publishing – Unit 3 Marketing & Distribution

On Wednesday, December 7th 2022 we have kicked off the piloting of unit 3 of our ECVET for Digital Publishing course. Unit 3 is all about marketing and Distribution. Digital Marketing is essential for any business. Its main channels and its advantages will help you design the best strategies or trust an agency to carry out all the actions related to the online media. Ecvet for Digital Publishing (EfDP) supports the development of a suite of new credit-based Digital Publishing qualifications within the context of the European Qualification Framework (EQF) and related processes for European Credit Transfer for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).

Digital Marketing Channels

Marketing was traditionally done through print (newspapers and magazines) and broadcast ads (TV and radio). These are channels that still exist today. Digital marketing channels have evolved and continue to do so. There exist yet traditional channels of course, but digital means are growing over them, so we have to keep in mind that some companies may use multiple channels in their efforts.

Digital Marketing in digital Publishing
It is obvious that Digital Marketing is the main type of Marketing now but even more when it comes to Digital Products. Constantly, digital products such as E-books, online courses, apps, stock photos and much more are so sold, distributed and consumed. This is why market your digital product in a correct way is so important. Digital products are different so physical ones because them are not tangible so it must be taken into account.

Lessons Overview Unit 3: Marketing and Distribution

The Dutch unit 3 lessons were given to a group of students on December 7th, 13th, 14th, 20th and 21nd 2022.

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